shopping done ... almost ...

it's been a long week ... and many more to come ...
26Nov: we had our 1st day kursus @Hong kah cc (near bt gombak). we had to miss the last minute escot but it's all worthwhile. the 1 qns that we have to ask ourselves "kenapa kita nk bernikah?" it just makes us both pause and tink for a moment why do we do it. for now all we could say "it's time to satu kan cinta kita yg dah kita semai for a long while." maybe our reasons might be different as we step into each day before the nikah day? ... we'll ask ourselves when the time comes again ... what d wants to bring back after the course is ... "mcm mane kita elak kan dari perpisahan dan penceraian" ... a qns he wrote on the survey form and i read it. it's nice to know he give these things a tot ... and when ask why he attend the course ... he said "he wants to learn about marriage and all ..." i have the same objective as him. at the same time "i want to know how to kekal kan 1 rumahtangga and we both need to know apa kah tanggungjawab dan liku2 yg akan kita lalui bersama ..." "cinta tk slalu nya indah ... it's a rollercoaster ride ... like a wheel ... at times we're down at times we're up ..."
after the kursus we head home. d slept. lepas maghrib kita kluar gi marina. i got my wedding shoe from tinkerbell for 25.90. didn't get our crocs cos his cuzin is out for dinner and by the time he is back, the shop has closed. wanted to go mustafa but it's eve of deepavali and the place is jammed. so we head home. d slept over. we slept together ... awwww!!! how nice!! miss him so much ... miss his touch! miss his smell! just miss him being so close to me.

27Nov: it's our 2nd day kursus. and we received our cert too. today is fa'i cukur rambut too. kenduri at my place. we learnt abt sex. how to keep the romance going. "little things meant a lot to the women. and men need to be told directly so we'll be appreciated." after the kursus we head home. d slept the whole nite. we didn't go out. he slept over and went to work from my place.  
29Nov: we decided to do our shopping after work. d pick me up from work. we went to marina. got my croc heels for 48.65 (UP: 69.50) d got his first croc for the same price. the one he wants for the wedding hantaran dah tk de. his cuzin said wait for the croc sale at expo on 14-16 Nov. grab it there. else we will go back to the shop and see what else he might like. he got his short sleeve shirt and polo t from john little. he got a white long sleeve t as well but i won't put that for his hantaran. we had dinner at BK. then we head to mustafa.
aru smp mustafa we met rock, inah, danish, eva and kino. surprise! surprise! inah was saying this is just like old times. *smiling* we grab d's shaver stuff, 2x hugo perfume, his soccer socks, socks, i got my revlon mineral foundation and light make-up. i also got my shaver stuff. d also bought his mobile car charger and handsfree. we bump into hasnidah and her new beau, zul too.
the rest waited for us. We then head to al azhar, bt timah to have supper. the boys was playing on the road ... drive next to each other, conquering the 3 lanes, hogging the road. smiles on their faces. i'm happy to see d happy ... after that he send me home. he got home and settled down to bed at 3am.

looks like i've overspend ... but boleh recalculate insyaAllah ... nk byr saman we got on sunday and monday kat bt batok $160 total. i've got my tax to pay as well $200.
d called me and we've settled on what need to be done over the next couple of weeks.
2Nov: d had soccer kat marsiling. after that we will go to ivy's place and have our baju kurung done. we will then go to bt panjang to pay deposit for the kek pulut but can only go after 7pm.
9Nov: ade escot.
15Nov: kita gi pilih aju pantin. semlm kak azza recommended songket turquoise for our sanding. it's a new piece. we will be the first to wear. since we've decided to go with 3 pasang. the last piece d wearing coat. i'll be wearing black lace. for nikah kak azza will see what's nice for us. We shall go expo to get d's croc.
22Nov: we hav an invitation to tora-tora bbq anniversary. jas has not annouce to the rest as yet.
26Nov: gi ambik IC nya abg man ngan tok busu.
27Nov: d will collect his cert. then we will head to register kat ROMM. we will then get our invitation cards done.
28Nov: i will need to change $$ for the org hadang2 and mak andam.
29Nov: need to buy paint to paint my room. buy varnish to varnish my wardrobe and shelves probly. need to buy tix for our KL trip. byr ian. byr duit katil (pay the balance). byr another half of andaman.
30Nov: buy ring. li tpt bunga rampai. need to find new cami and panty.
i will need to go for pedicure, manicure and facial at least 3 times before dec. i will need to get scrubs kat geylang. jamu maybe if i can find any.
more $$ to spend. insyaAllah i have the $$ to settle all. I would not want to borrow from others ... i will need to find ways to settle all by myself.
d is more involved now then he is months back. Alhamdulilah ... my doa terkabul. i guess he is really keen abt the whole thing but i still wonder where he have been past 2 months. hopefully he is set to stay and will not go astray.
We've discuss abt the escot. wanted something meaningful for both of us. the videoman will stay with me after the nikah. he will get farhan to take the video from NT assembly @rock's to on the road to arriving at my place. the videoman will standby when they arrive.
i've also talk to jas and zizah abt hadang2 d. we will have the guys, the ladies and the kids to hadang2 ... and i will need that to be captured. every moment. i will tink of qns for him to answer. qns like "if given a choice, would you choose your wife or your lorry?" hahaha
"this is all just a beginning..."
When all this is over ... i'll be plotting out what we will do next. hehe..


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