Movie night ...

ohhhh how much i really miss those movie nights we had together. d sms seems a bit weird today. he ask if i had any plans. of course since when do i have plans since the d he STOP picking me up from work. so tonight is like all other nights. NO PLANS. and that's when d ask if we shall go for movies.
as usual i got to pick the movie. Eagle Eye was the best bet.
we catch it at our usual movie spot ... Marina. but this time we were shocked!!! the parking cost us $7++ ... mak ooiiii!!! parking price dah naik sehhh ...
d paid for the movie. paid for our dinner; BK burgers. paid for the popcorn. and we even went to al azhar @Bt timah to have our drinks before he send me home and he head home. (yeah!! since the day he stop picking me up from work. he too stop spending the night at my car park in his lorry. no matter how tired, he will drive home) sigh!
well tonight seems to be normal. d seems to be the same d i knew. while having our drinks, we talk a bit abt the wedding.
does it gives me any assurance??  (maybe it's just guilt conscious??)
when we were in the cinema, faridah sms me. said i still owe wan $500. $ i borrowed cos Fendi wants to go thailand. but i remember that i've paid him back ... but i've no prove and i'm not sure how to get that without incurring more cost ... u know u have to pay the bank to dig out those past statements seh ... but when i run thru my blog, this is wat i find. Fendi went to BKK Nov 05 i wrote my wasiat on Apr 06 and in that wasiat of mine, i didn't even say that i owe wan or faridah any $$ ... which means i have paid my due. cam ne??? it's easier to jus let it go ... but again when i die ... i bet he will ask from my famili. so it's either now or later. sigh!! i can't imagine i called his my confidante ... guess i pick the wrong confidante after all ... cos 1 thing i knew ... she has spread the word ard that i'm getting married in dec. *clappp* *clappp* she did a good job stabbing me at the back ...
and once again i've been played out. when will my life ever be fair??


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