malam raya 2008

somehow the number 3 just means a lot in our life history together. this is our 3rd raya together. and alhamdulilah we will live to celebrate it together. things r kind of ok with us for now.
14:52 D: D dpt mi syg..maafkan d kalo tingkah laku d terlampau
(i was at the bus stop and later in the bus ... tears just keep on flowing down voluntarily)
14:57 Mi: D tk salah syg. Perangai mi yg melampau smp buat d stress n hurt both of us. Mi mintak maaf byk2. Mi deserve it la. Mi trima.
15:26 D: K syg change n have a gd rest bsk kite jmpe k miz n luv mi sox10 much.
15:30 Mi: K syg. D tk mo lik lambat sgt 2day k. Mi miz n luv d lotsssss ...
1521 D: D 2
as much as i still have my reserve. I tink for the best of us, i'm going to let it go ... sometimes the more we tink, the more negative it gets. Maybe he really do love me and he really do want to spend his life with me. Ya Allah hanya kau yg tau ...
Takbir bergema, sayu ati terasa,
Tapi yg pasti d tetap disisi mi
Sepuluh jari mi susun rapi mohon maaf dari ujung rambut ke ujung kaki atas salah dan silap tutur kata, kelakuan dan yg terguris ati.
Jom kita mula page aru yg bersih
penuh kasih sayang, hormat, keikhlasan dan kejujuran.
Ari baik bln baik ni kita doa
semoga hubungan kita tetap kukuh dan kekal higga nafas mi yg terakhir.


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