questions without answers ...

tink abt it ...
1. he has a new watch; and a white one. i remember he doesn't like white cos nanti kotor. but he bought it for $5.
2. he has a ring ... saw something with "S" on it.
3. he bought hair dye and dyed his hair ... said he anyhow chose. and had his hair dyed HIMSELF ... and that nite he didn't even tell me that he has his hair colored.
4. he had his air horn fixed ... said he did it during lunch. didn't tell me till i met him on sun for soccer that's when i ask (cos i saw the siren)
5. he has new boxers ... bought at watsons. i saw it hidden away behind his seat.
6. he no longer picks me up from work ... he use to say that no matter how little time he has, he will spend it with me.
7. he no longer trfs his pay to me. i've no idea how much $$ he has.
8. he didn't tell me abt him paying off his ex the $$ till i ask ... and he said he paid cash
9. he started wearing bangle ... said it's his old one.
10. he picks me up last sun to go soccer ... but he was late. said the lorry couldn't start. said the hazard light was turn on. hey!! he was home on sat afternoon ... dun tell me he had it turn on from that time till the next afternoon ... or probably he went out? minyak dia pn 1/4 used. he wore jeans. the tali was out of place. his lorry kat blakang was a mess. he is not the kind to jus leave things be ... he will put them in place. he gets ANGRY when i qns ... y shld he be angry?
11. today when i got to work, i didn't sms him. and yet he didn't sms or call me to ask. guess i dun have to tell him i reach office after all, it won't bother him a bit.
12. he bought ear piece, but sometimes when i called him he didn't pick up the phone.
13. he bathe even if he is not going out ... notice that for 2 weekends (sunday). strange cos he don't normally do that unless he wants to go out. maybe he change la.
14. he wears chapal for raya. dun remember him saying he has 1 but he said it's his old one. Why didn't he wears them 2 raya ago?
shld i keep mum when i want to leave office? maybe i shld jus cool off. take time off away from him. i won't be questioning him ... having doubts abt him. i let him be with himself. maybe it will do us more good than not.


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