@80 days ...

pejam pelik pejam pelik ... it's 80 days ... counting down.
ytdy had a talk with d before i went into office. (can't leave me alone by myself else my negative vibes just get the better of me) i actually wanted to tell him that we both should take time off from one another. But then after talking to him ... his actions means = he wants to rest take a breather so that we will not quarrel and all and wait for the moment (our wedding) to come. sigh!! that's alrite if he really did spend his time at home and no where else ... but i really doubt so. not sure why but my inner self jus dun agree.
that evening we sms each other. i reminded him that it's time for him to get involved in the wedding preps. can't possibly i'm the only contributor kan? dah lah i contribute monetary ... tk kan all others pun i contribute ... then what does he do? so we set the record straight, he will pay for the mas kawin and all others i settle myself la.
is my effort all worthwhile??


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