New Playground

Memandangkan the old tower has been thoroughly and abusively scratch, we decide to give them a new playground.

the old tower. it doesn't look so used cos hubby had it cleaned up, 
had it switch, had it turned, had it trimmed. 
It looks as good as new. 
Placing it by the window. 
We bought this previously from Pet Lovers Centre at Vivocity for $399
It measures 60x49x155cm

the new tower. maroon in color. much taller than the old one but the base is jus by a cm short. 
it measures 60x50x182cm
We bought this from #marvelpets from #carousell
for $189

This measures 36x36x45cm. Bought from the 
same seller from Carousell from Marvelpets.
The intention was to place it near the window where they can sit on the platform and look out the window. 
That didn't happen and we end up putting it next to the tall tower, where they start to play and scratch and lie with head under the arc. 
This is for $50. 

Both comes with delivery and installation. 

Fortunate aren't you both Kiki and Koko!


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