'L' ke?

Hahaha like real but real lah. Maybe it jus happen to b a bigger cut.

Surprisingly i can fit a size L for this cotton on dress. Hmmmm bt i believe cotton on cuts at times are big enough for me to fit thru.

Bossini always on the small cut. Surprising again i can fit in well though i felt the bust area cld be slightly tight bt Dinah said it looks jus fine. Bought it since i've been wanting to get 1 of these bossini shirts. Something more casual yet dressy. 

Tis i believe the cut ia big. Hahahaha bt glad i took 14 instead of 16. Cos 14 fits so well. And mum tot it's Dinah's. Chehhhhhhh .... 

I use to wear 2XL or 3XL but being able to buy L and wore it perfectly wo buldge here and thr ... I believe i hav done the right thing. 

My wrist seems to drop a cm. use to b 18-20cm but now 17-18cm. 
Always bought those sleeveless top i wore to sleep siZe 16 or 18 bt now i wore size 14. 

But weight ... Jus a kilo down from last mth. Into my 3rd mth. If all goes well i'll probably stop on the 4th. 

Now trying Gorgeous Sleem. Hope it helps to further bring my weight down. Not becos of beauty but becos i need to regulate my menses. Azabbbb ohhhhhh!!!! Enough is enough of the pain, the frustration of having blood all day ... all weeks ... all months ... 

Update 8Jan2015.
Starting Gorgeous Sleem this morning. 
Till date i have drop a total of 4.4kg from 93.5kg to 89.1kg from 30Sep14 to 3Jan15. 


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