Grapefruit Juice + Apple Vinegar

ok ...  i need to try something new.

i'm down to 4.4kg since Nov14 when i started the Phentemine. i feel that the Phentemine is getting immune to me now. (no medicine can last for more than 3 mths consecutively consume)
so need a new way to lose the weight.

Hasnidah drop to 4.5kg so far for the past 2 mths. it takes me 3mths to drop to 4.4kg only. arghhhhhh!!!!


Abstract from "Grapefruit juice can be justifiably referred to as a classic functional food. Grapefruit is an excellent source of vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids) and vitamin C. It is also a good source of pantothenic acid, copper, dietary fiber, potassium, biotin, and vitamin B1. Grapefruit also contains phytochemicals includingliminoids and lycopene. It is  very beneficial in reducing hardening of vessels i.e. atherosclerosis. Thus, it protects your heart.
It also reduces one’s tendency to develop diabetes. Some red and pink grape fruits possess anti-tumor activity. Risk of kidney stones is also reduced by taking this fruit’s juice."

Grapefruit WILL NOT BURN YOUR FAT! It does not have the ability to to burn away excess fats. But because it is low in calories and it's soluble fiber contents ... drinking grapefruit juice before your meal (perload) will fill you up enough so you eat fewer calories during your meal. These saved calories can add up to a small amount of weight loss.

i shall go with the juice. will take it when i feel hungry as a replacement and eat something light to go with it.

Apple Vinegar
Apple vinegar can detox your body.

Go slow. Add 1 tsp to a cup of water, drink ONCE a day. Get used to the taste. Then gradually increase to 2tsp then 3tsp and increase the frequency to twice a day. Eventually going with 1-2 tbsp.
You will notice signes your body is showing. You will feel more energetic. You will notice growing urge to go to the bathroom, this is because you are drinking more water and your body is getting rid of the toxins.
You will notice that your digestion has improved. You won't feel bloated anymore. With better digestion, your body is able to break down fat better, absorb nutrients easily, resulting in higher energy levels.

Drinking it before a meal cause an appetite suppression affect. Vinegar has been shown to prevent fat from building up. Vinegar has also been shown to affect insulin secretion. It helps to regulate the pH of your sking and can help with acne. The pH affect is also what causes your body to detox and maintain a healthy alkaline pH level.

Because of the high acid content of vinegar, do this for 2-3 mths. Then regularly cut it down. Go a month with without and repeat so your body doesn't get use to it.

Though acidic, vinegar contains potassium. This alkalinizing mineral has been shown to neutralize internal acidity as it is metabolized, heightening cell sensitivity to glucose-regulating insulin. The abundant potassium in apple cider vinegar can flatten bloat by flushing retained water from tissues, help normalize muscle contractions to prevents aches and bring down blood pressure.

This is how it's going to go ... Grapefruit Juice with Apple Cider Vinegar.

We will go with Bragg. 
Raw, organic, unfiltered vinegar that has the '#mother' of the vinegar. The 'mother' is made up of strand-like enzymes of connected protein molecules with living nutrients and bacteria. 
Will add to a cup of Grapefruit Juice as it's very acidic and can damage the tooth enamel and tissues of your throat, mouth and skin. 

Let's try this ... cos i'm on my 3rd month with Phentemine and like i mentioned, looks like my body is getting immune to it. So need a backup plan. let's go ... 

Articles from bloggers on Apple Vinegar.



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