Cat repellent

hmm ... i need to get the cats out of the couch.
having to vacuum everyday ... not able to sleep on my couch without vacuuming them is really getting on my nerve.
moreover i seems to be the only one at home doing all the housework and concern about the pets hair and mess.

Tried aristopet on the couch ... but it seems to work on Kiki but not on Koko. You will see him lying on the couch ... happily. Seems like he loves the smell though. Cos each time i sprayed, i will see him sprawling on the couch. But Kiki .. obviously away from the couch. So what other way do i have. Wanted to use the one i bought at Daiso but that's a mess lah. it's good for outdoor cos it's like sand kind of thing. 

The other thing i read a while back is probably to get those rubber mat. Those with uncomfortable rubber studs on it. hmmm ... maybe i could try that. 

Mission for the weekend. 
1. bathe the cats
2. wash the sofa covers (the long ones that the cats still sleeps on)

With the sofa covers wash ... and the cats bathe to rid off their unwanted hair ... maybe i do have less cat hair problems. 


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