Hajjah Mariam Cafe

Much talk about in town ... Hajjah Mariam Cafe. Just got to try it for ourselves. Me and sis after Rhydel's registration at ITE West College, decide to drop by at Westgate for lunch. We had the much talk-about nasi ambeng serve in dulang - eat for 2.

very small space. very cramp. food is nice. delicious. Acah pedas. Ayam masak lemak, sambal goreng, serunding, begedil semua power to max! serving was generous. Cost = food = best! It cost us $25 with Nasi lemak for Rhydel + 3 drinks (2 sirap limau and 1 bandung) I guess it sums to be about 7-8 per person for this nasi ambeng ... which is reasonable for the servings that they give + the food that is nice. Will probably come again but the crowd and the space ... hmmm

check out their FB. https://www.facebook.com/HajjahMariamCafe


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