Spent the new year at home. Didn't even remembered tat at the strike of 12, it will b a new year. Hub is having his worst ever fever. 

Some post from IG tat's worth sharing.

Indeed 2014 has taught me the most valuable life lesson tat no one in the right frame of mind wld like to learn, go thru it and stands up and walk straight from it all. 

I am fortunate to have a loving, no barrier, no judgemental family and undeniably awesomest husband. If nt i doubt i can b on my 2 feet, walk straight with heads up today. 

Money either makes u or breaks u. It has done both to me. Physically, mentally and emotionally drained me. 

But i'm glad it happen else i won't wake up from tis fantasies. Back to reality, i felt more alive, more controlled. In sya Allah. Never wld i imagine tat i wld b walking the path of 'debt-free'. 

Alhamdulilah for 2014. 
In sya Allah for 2015. 

Aamin! Aamin! Aamin! 


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