The FAT me ...

My weight has always been an issue since the day i was born. never a day goes by people said that i am thin. I am always that FAT, BIG girl.

It's no fun being fat especially when ur husband would look at other pretty, thinner girls and comment things such as "wow" "feeeewwwwiiit" "switttt" and many others. How does that makes u feel? at the bottom of the list right? EXACTLY what i am feeling. but of course when you ask him ... he said he prefers the FAT me ... but then who doesn't like the thin, sexy, beautiful women ...

i love myself. i love my body. but i have to lose LOTTTSSSSS of weight ... because of the hormone imbalance condition that i have.
(you can read the latest entry i had on my -> blog

Again this morning ... i decide to pen this down ... in case something went wrong in the mission to lose weight ... hahahaha

This weight thingy has been going on for a while.
It started with Bios Slim.
that goes back in Nov 2011.

It's Nov 2014 now, it's been 3yrs and NOTHING ... NO CHANGE ... i am still the FAT me ... oh my!!!!

This is my recent entry
I am taking a combi of these

iperfecto + Fat Mega Burner + orange juice slimming drink + pherntermine 

And like i said ... if taking these does not make me lose weight ... i give up!

i actually should start with Royal Slim Lishuo Magic but the lady sent Royal Detox Platinum pulak. 
Took that 1 box. NO IMPROVEMENT. 
Can't recall when i took this though ...

Then i tried Celebrity Shape, taking it in Sept after Hari Raya. NO IMPROVEMENT!
i took 2 boxes. 

Then i saw iperfecto. Bought it from KL. I am on my 3rd bottle  now (since 10/27/14.). i started taking it since 9/27/14. i have 3 more bottles to consume. that would give me abt 2mths (some where end of Dec). If nothing too ... then i shall stop this too. 

Then i went to buy Fat Mega Burner this month (Nov). it has not arrive yet. Also from KL. Bought 1 botol first. It shld be for about 40 servings. Good for a mth. Reason i took this is because i really think my metabolism rate is very low hence it does not able to burn off my fats. so either i detox ... which does not seems to help (i made and drink those detox water for a mth) ... or i exercise which does not seems to be the choice. hahahaha
So i am going to take the Fat Mega Burner ... that shld help to burn off the fats ... oh pleaseeeeeee ... 

At the same time, the doc gave me the Phentermine, that should also help to curb my appetite which does not seems to be an issue cos i am not really a big eater. in fact, i should learn to ear proper meal. arghhhhhh!!!! Started this on 10/31/14. Would consume this for 3mths afterwhich if there is changes, weight reduces then i will gradually stop. 

today i start to consume Leisure 18 Slimming Orange Juice. This is tried and tested by Maya Rahman. She lost quite a weight. i am taking this in replacement of Celebrity Shape. Dun really like the taste though ... it has this after taste thingy. not very nice. i bought 4 boxes from her since it took her 1 mth to have it delivered to me from the day i transfer the $$ to her. There is 13 sachets in a box. this shld give me a good 2mths perhaps. 

so for the next 3mths ... from Nov to Jan ... let's see if there is any difference in me. 

at the doc the weighing machines says 93.5
at home, the weighing machine says 90

let's see if the number drop to 80. from size 2XL/3XL to L? 
hahahaha ... *dreammmmmmm*

would love to get rid of the love handles (tummy) 
--> wants a flat tummy badly
would love to see smaller thighs hehe ... 

~UPDATE on my progress~
1. 11/3/14 - the thirst was terrible ... the worst i ever encounter. ate very little probably cos i have big breakfast for lunch. haha ... took a couple of bite on the salmon rice meal from LJS at abt 10.30pm. 
2. 11/4/14 - didn't had that thirst but was i think the weather was very hot. 31 degrees with PSI 84. 
3. 11/5/14 - started my Fat Mega Burner today. Wish me luck. I've been losing quite a fair bit of sleep. Need to get rid of the eye bag ... oh my!
4. 11/26/114 - i have been eating less though i make sure that i eat even though a bit. My throat has been very dry. I have stop taking iperfecto because i feel that it does not have any effect on me. though maybe it makes my skin better (cos it has a whitening thing too). i continue taking the burner. The most noticeable effect is i perspire a lotttttttt!!!!! doin a bit of work, like sweeping the floor, vacuuming the house or even cooking ... makes me perspire like crazy. it's kind of nice but hate it when i want to go to work and i perspire all over ... yuckssss!! notice that my tummy kind of flatten ... but there's more to go. i have not weigh myself. since i'm taking Phentermine with the burner for now, and it's time for me to take my 2nd mth dose of Phentermine, maybe then i will weigh at the doctor's. 


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