
Friends indeed.

Reading my past entry ... guess i need to update that as years goes by ... the same person whom we trusted and think she is a fren, may no longer be. PEOPLE CHANGE.

and Alhamdulilah for me and Hasnidah, we become better people who aims to serve our family well, ignore frens whom are plastic, pretentious, two-headed ... personally that is how i felt.

A fren whom used to have empathy to my situation, but i guess she has been "cucuk" ... and she demanded for me to pay her debt. Well she has every right to ask for it, but i tot she have more empathy and understanding. it's the tone that she use in her sms to demand for her money that hurts. Siti Salha Bte Seedek, i guess you dun see me as a fren but someone who owes you money.

no worries lah k ... i will definitely pay you back. Hutang tetap hutang dan wajib di bayar.


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