My blog is updated

Finally since i move to blog ... only today 11/26/14 i finally managed to clean up and update my blog.

Those photos that was previously in Multiply album i managed to download and save them; there may be duplicate somewhere ... but i guess no harm done lah except that it's taking my harddisk space and my external harddisk space is screaming for space ... hehehehe

i will update my life going every now and then as i see fit. (anyway no one reads my blog hahahaha)
but if there are ... Thank you. Do drop me a comment or just say 'Hi' at least i knew there are humans out there reading this blog. hehehe

Holiday / Travel
Few things i notice while cleaning up my blog, we never get to go Australia which we plan since 2005 and again on 2011 ( Nor do we get to go Fraser Hill which we also plan since 2005 and again talk tot abt it in 2011 (

Now with my travel restrictions, and my tight finance, i guess we just have to bury these tots for a while. probably be contented with just a staycation ... maybe ...

The Hurt Me
This has been going on for a long long time since day 1 i should say. it still never go away. but i am more compose now. Redha and Pasrah is more of my attitude now. D never change. He is out looking for someone better i guess; someone more beautiful, someone who gives him less problem. D has change a bit though. He is no longer the kind who gets angry easily now. He tone down a lot. Notice that happen after a particular incident where we wrestled each other. i am very sure that's the last.
I have to keep on berdoa because i am sure Allah will bring me out of this misery.

Financially I am always in debt. That's not a good attitude of mine. But again not sure why and how that happen.

I paid an expensive life lesson on Oct 2nd, 2014 when i am adjudged a bankrupt as my total debts is >100K. RHB bank whom i took renovation loan from made me a bankrupt.
The journey is not fun at all. It comes with a lot of sacrifices. Small little things like the termination of services under my name such like Starhub ... hence now we have to switch to 3g mobile prepaid data plan spending like 100/mth on internet where previously we spend 50-60/mth. We don't have the luxury of subscribing to cable tv. Since D is black-listed by Starhub on getting any services, we have the free TV channels to entertain us. in a way, we appreciate the local dramas or infotainment more.
Convenient services such as payment via eNets and even PhoneBanking cannot be provided to me. Not sure what's the rational behind these.

Now i am faced with Kedai Emas Kampung Melayu where they pursue my guarantor to settle my outstanding. Really a pain in the butt. They are advise to check with my OA for the settlement, but they insisted to go to the guarantor. How can i protect my guarantor? can i actually made that preferential payment to Kedai Emas? what happen if i do? Sigh!!

The discharge officer propose for me to pay 1140/mth. That amounts to 68400 almost half of my total debts. He said that if they do not see this amount in my bankrupt estate fund, then they will not consider to discharge me. My councillor, Saiful from DAC @AMP assure me that in 3 yrs time i can try to request for a discharge. If not, then in 5 yrs time, try again. He said that sometimes they may consider to discharge me based on my conduct. Assuming i have a total debt of 136800 (2x the amt that i have to repay), i read somewhere that creditors will recover 20-30% of total debt, which means i have to pay 27360-41040. Even if i'm paying 200/mth (ie. 12000 in 5yrs), i am way behind and need to catch up to the min. Guess i will be stuck for >5yrs. On top of that, it takes me another 7yrs to have a clean credit rating after my discharge. Sigh!

When is life ever fair? ;)


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