It's here again ... my condition

This prolonged mense thing has come yet again.

(you can click on the label "Prolong Menses"
or you can read it from the link below:

I decide to pen this down for the benefit to whoever that might have gone thru' the same situation as i do. And also for my own reflection ... someday i may forget ... someday this situation may be a bigger problem to my health ... etc. etc. etc.

The last entry was in Oct 2012. I went to the doc again last Thurs 30th Oct 2014. So it seems that it's been doing fine for the last 2 years. (i tot it's been fine for the last 1 year) But now it's been 2 months and 3 cycles that my menses has not stopped. so i decide to pay a visit to Dr Masayu again.

She prescribed me Marvelon just for a mth. If it doesn't stop then we might go with another 2 mths perhaps. it's been 5 days and it is still flowing not too much but it's there. and the cramps ... my oh my! only God knows.
(you can read all about it here

So this time ... i'm really determine to lose my weight and i ask her to prescribed me diet pills. and so reluctantly but cautiously, she relent with advise after advise ... she gave me Phentermine 30mg. It's basically an appetite reducer. This will be for the next 3 mths.

So let's see what happen after 3mths. Do i lose any?

on 11/11/14 i have to go see the doctor again. My body is immune to Marvelon that was prescribed to me. Doc has to change the medicine. She prescribed me Norethisterone 5mg for 21 days to be taken with Naproxen 275mg (purpose to shrink my womb. she said that it's actually swelling). She took my blood pressure and it drop too. She said probably because i was blooding very heavily since the day i visit her.
My weight drops to 1.1kg. The pharmacist was glad that there is changes.

3-4 days later, the blood stops ... like finally.
there are discharge of brown stains but that's abt it.
i am still on my medication ... next week i shld be going back to get her to check on me.

11/26/14 i start bleeding again. painful cramps. it starts at 4am after hubby went off to work. the blood came out clot along with tissues.

11/28/14 went to see doc again. she advise to stop taking the med though i have another 3 days to go with the 21-days med. she said to let it out. painful cramps and heavy blood flow thru out the week. Not well enough to go to work.

12/5/14 it stops. clean. i start my the next 24-days med. we calculate that it shld stop somewhere on the 12/9/14. but it stops earlier. and during those period, no med other than the phentermine. got my 2nd dose of phentermine. i drop 2 kg from 92.1 to 90.

i am trying our 'Jamu Sedap Malam'. Can read abt it here. Hope this works for me to control my hormone and at the same time it helps to "repair" my womb/vagina/uterus.
Antara the good abt this is:
- Faraj rapat tanpa lendir. Terasa sempit, lembab dan hangat dalam faraj.
- Penggunaan berterusan menurunkan berat badan yang ideal kerana toksin disingkirkan, penghadaman lancar.
 - Jika rahim kembang akan terasa denyutan untuk mengecut.
- Terasa denyutan di ari –ari atau dalam rahim, di ‘V’, Dinding kanan dan kiri faraj bertembung secara perlahan – lahan dari masa ke semasa.
- Rempah yang dimakan berfungsi memanaskan rahim. Darah–darah beku, kerak keputihan atau lendir – lendir beku akan mencair dan akan menitis dari mulut rahim jatuh kedalam faraj. Perlahan –lahan lendir dan cecair turun ke permukaan faraj.
- Rempah yang dimakan akan mengecut ‘V’ secara perlahan –lahan dari masa ke semasa
- Rempah yang dimakan akan mengecutkan rahim.
 - Tiada kesakitan ketika datang & masa haid
 - Mengempiskan perut & membentuk potongan badan ideal
- Mengetatkan otot-otot dalaman
- Masalah kembung perut
- Segarkan tubuh badan dari kepenatan

This is beneficial for users:
- Masalah haid berpanjangan.
- Masalah haid tidak teratur.
- Wanita yang kerap minum air batu.

How to eat it:
》3 biji - 3 kali sehari (botol pertama)
》2 biji - 2 kali sehari (botol kedua dan seterusnya) 
Tidak perlu di makan ketika haid KECUALI Senggugut, 
Masalah angin satu badan, 
Masalah haid yang berlanjutan.


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