progressing well ...

The wedding preparation is progressing well ... my head feels like bursting still ... just pop in 2 extra panadol ... see if it's working ... try not to sleep, lay down ... trying to fight it. it's pouring outside ... d? he is at woodlands agi badok ngan dino ...
d mum was here last thurs. i missed them ... selisih jln. didn't get to meet them. the mum surprise us by giving me hantaran of $3,000. her words to d "...ape yg kau susah kan mak. kau pun anak mak..." it melts d. bapak called both of us the next day, re-assuring us to accept the gift. well i guess we have no other choice. we will accept it then. wat we will do with the money?? hmm ... maybe we save up to get our house, or maybe we save up for our aussie trip next yr, or maybe we buy both of ourselves jewellery - a gold bracelet perhaps ... we've not decided yet. but the money is sure for my keep
mum will settle the Tukang masak with pelamin and simple deco by Mak Jah for 500 pax
  +Both our parents will be forking out for the masak. She will take duit sumbangan. This will include the berkat as well. Mum decide to have eggs. i request for red eggs. i will get the egg berkat sarung when i shop ard. Mum will take care of the bunga pahar, sireh dara and bunga rampai. I'll go look out for the bunga rampai sarung too. most likely i'll go look out for ring pillow ... hehehe
- Mak Andam, i've confirm with kak leha. she's not able to reduce her package (2 baju + make up + hairdo) but i will most likely ask her again when i meet her to pilih the baju ... hehehe
- DJ, i will most like take eddie makuanza entertainment @81783914 ... he's offering $550. will ask him for discount heheh ... but yet to confirm with him. most likely i confirm soon enough. the rest i've ask like cik yah, kak am even i ask kak ti for liza's no ... has been quiet. so i guess i'll be confirming him very soon.
- photographer - i've confirm with ian. @$1200. The package includes:
+ 1 day service $350
+ 6 rolls and above of 4R prints $360
+ 1pc personalized 4R wedding album $60
+ 1pc 8R table top or 1pc x-stand poster $50
+ 1pc 20" x 24" royal frame on canvas
+ 1pc photostory album (30 pages/softcover) $150
+ 1pc 8min album montage on VCD format
+ 1pc A2 size wedding poster with frame
+ 1pc CD copy of all images (non-edited) $180
- wedding cake i've confirm with Kak diella. from'm asking her if she can do a 2-tier/2-layer cake.
- Pulut Kuning, i'm waiting for Sue hani to reply me. asking for 2 tier. the 3rd tier i'll place kak diella's cake. Sue Hani has yet to reply me. Hopefully she does soon.
- Henna, i've confirm with Ain @97634175. I'm budgetting $120. Shld be less cos i want something simple.
- Wedding rings yet to hunt for one. maybe after raya la. we have not talk abt it as yet.
Bed we're getting it soon enough. Need to go hunt for it.
Room deco too ... need to hunt for room deco stuff. Mum suggested to buy the cadar. hmm ... need to get that cadar, the normal cadar, feather boa buat hiasan, the string curtain ... not sure when ... guess when we see it we'll get it. Most importantly need to get the rose petals. cannot do without it. hehehe ...
- kursus have registered. Will make payment soon enough. conducted by SP Mgmt Consultant (Hong Kah North CC) on 26 & 27 Oct
- we are not able to register for kadi. we will do so after we get the divorce cert on 28 Nov. 
- kad jemputan ... i like this the price is reasonable. $1.25 per card. Will ask d for opinion. If he is ok, will go ahead.
- wedding shoes, d agrees that i will have to look for one. Will do so when we have the time.
- i've decide to give d a complete wedding. With that we will have kompang by Kumpulan Kompang Putra Sakti they are offering $380 without bertandang. But i'm asking for $320-350 ... Shaiful 83424491 will get back to me tonight.
- I've also decided to have videography. Initially i tot we just go with Nikah @450 from clearlens production for nikah + sanding @$900 with $150 deposit to confirm and the rest a month later after the have the final product.
- mum is getting marhaban from cik Yusoff. he is offering $150.
as much as possible i want this to be a complete wedding for d and for myself. something that we can remember for for life. and as much as possible insyaAllah we will have this done. I'm doing this cause i want d to be happy and only his happiness concerns me ...
ahhh ... are we ready?? ... hmmm ...


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