All in preparation of ... ...

The day has finally arrive ... ari2 yg kita tunggu2 ... saat2 yg kita nanti2 kan ... 18 Aug 2008 in the early afternoon after d attended his court at 11am, he called me. And he announce that it's all over. He does not have to attend anymore court. 25Aug, he is to collect his court order. on 28Nov he is to collect his divorce letter. And he did lafaz talak today. I hav a mix feelings. One of which i feel for d and his ex-wife finally severing their marriage after 5yrs. But to think about it, the marriage has died long before i met d; 2 yrs ago. Secondly i'm happy that we will finally be able to plan for our future. Something that we both have long for and been waiting patiently for.

When finally this day comes, everything else comes gushing to us. Both our parents are eager to wed us esp my parents. The soonest the better. BUT we're cashless, and financially we're not prepared. But let's look at it on the positive side, i'm sure we can manage it somehow ... insyaAllah dengan niat suci kita, allah perkenankan rezki kat kita and we will have this wedding a small but sempurna one.

Today is Aug 21 (it's dani's birthday) and till today i've ask myself if he is ready. i ask that qns to him and he ask me back. i'm pretty sure i am though i have my fears. but i'm not going to have my fears take control of my decision. i just want to make sure that d is really into this relationship, this wedding, this marriage for life - his third and my first and our last to last us till our lifetime.


28 Dec 2008, Sunday

this will be the date ... the day ... we both in sync.
*pak bing* *pak bing*


Perkahwinan adalah suatu ikatan yang teguh antara lelaki dengan perempuan melalui akad nikah yang sah untuk menjalani kehidupan berumahtangga sebagai suami dan isteri. Perkahwinan disyariatkan dalam Islam bertujuan untuk mengembangkan zuriat manusia melalui cara yang halal sebagai penyambung keturunan untuk kesejahteraan hidup di dunia dan di akhirat.

Firman Allah s.w.t “ Wahai manusia! Bertaqwalah kepada Tuhanmu yang menjadikan kamu daripada diri yang satu( Adam ). Dia ( Allah ) menjadikan daripada diri Adam dan isterinya dan mengembang biak daripada kedua-duanya ramai lelaki dan perempuan….”


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