what my horoscope 'SAGITTARIUS' says about me today ...

abstract from yahoo horoscope ...

In GeneralQuickie:Use a direct manner to get your meaning across. Today, don't candy coat anything.

When it comes to finances, here's what to do: Stop worrying, first of all; that won't help. Spend as little as possible and save anything you can. You'll get through this -- more easily than you'd ever have imagined, in fact.

Extended:Your trademark freewheeling approach may have landed you in a little bit of a deficit, and economizing isn't your specialty. Chances are, though, that someone close to you is an expert in this particular field, and chances are that they've been offering to help for quite some time. Don't feel sheepish -- just take them up on it. The first step is the hardest, and once you're with the program it'll be relatively painless.

Love and relationshipDaily Flirt:Take a big dose of creativity and add your natural adaptability and optimism, and you've got a killer combination. Expect others to be amazed and impressed by your latest ideas and innovations.

Daily Couples:
If your sweetheart wants to hit the mall, you'd be better off just saying no. Not only are you interested in original stuff you won't find there, you're feeling like saving your cash for a rainy day -- or a big trip.

Daily Singles:
Your oldest friends might think they can predict your every move when it comes to romance. However, just because they know you so well doesn't mean they know all of you. Your tastes are changing.

Your directness will be a huge asset right now. Express your ideas as plainly as possible and make sure that you aren't pulling any punches. The right people will take it the right way.

this is abstract from MSN ...

If you've been worrying about having spent too much recently, dear Sagittarius, the astral configuration indicates that you should be able to put those worries behind you. There are plenty of opportunities waiting for you that could bring an increased level of income, and possibly a new job, or even a new career. A lot of phone calls, e-mails, or other communication could bring news of these possibilities your way. Be sure to keep a record of the ones that seem the most promising.


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