You're everything ...

mimpi?? kadang mimpi ni mmg mainan tido ... but kadang mimpi juga 1 petanda. which is it this time? "we're at a strange place, spending the night together. our families were around. It seems to be our wedding the next day. Cos there i was waiting to be made up. Mak andam dah smp tp tk start to make-up2. d, the groom i presume was no where in sight. ironically there is another pengantin. the groom dah dtg bertandang and they are going for their 2nd outfit. and i'm still waiting ... when i glanced at the clock it's 12pm." that's when i woke up ... ishhh a strange dream indeed.
come morning ... it didn't really bother me but somehow i could recall clearly the dream. on my way to work ... i sms d ... (don't ask where i got the idea to sms such ...)
"Promise mi kalo d stop loving mi d will tell mi. Promise?"
I'm loving him to bits ... more than he knew.
d promise that he will not leave me at the altar waiting.
d promise that he will tell me when he stops loving me.
"Lagu ni khas buat d ... senikata lagu ni adalah kata2 dari hati mi."
psstt ... Fitri Rahayu from Cinta Fitri is in the video clip sehhh ... heheheh
Di, aku pinta kau akan selalu setia
Di, aku mohon kau selalu menemani
Saat ku tengah terluka
Kala ku tengah gundah

Ku akan menjagamu
Di bangun dan tidurmu
Di semua mimpi dan nyatamu
Ku akan menjagamu
Tuk hidup dan matiku
Tak ingin, tak ingin kau rapuh

Di, jangan engkau pergi tinggalkan aku oh
Di, ingin aku cinta dan cinta salalu
Saat kau tengah terluka
Kala kau tengah gundah

Kau akan menjagaku
Di bangun dan tidurku
Di semua mimpi dan nyataku
Kau akan menjagaku
Tuk hidup dan matiku
Tak ingin, tak ingin kau rapuh
*Note: Lyrics telah di ubah from Dik to Di. hehehe ... it just sounds right!


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