1 load off ... few more to go ...

We spend the saturday on our own. We didn't go out. D went searching for his recon tail light but didn't get any. He was home by 8-ish and didn't hear from him the whole nite.
Sunday d went soccer as usual. This time they played at Kranji Sec Sch, CCK. We won 4-2. he went back my place. had lunch. take a nap. then at 4pm we went for another game at Regent Sec Sch, CCK (near the railway) We lost 3-1. But d came out as the man of the match. One of his best performance.
it's 8-ish. We're heading home from j.east after dropping off abg home. We decided to stop by at Defu Furniture at Trade Hub 21. We both agreed on a synthetic leather bed frame with short legs, 8" spring mattress and PU storage bench of similar color all for $799.29. It was a good buy. If not because of the sale, we would be paying for $1097. It's close to 30% discount. We paid a deposit of $200. The rest we pay monthly till the last day of delivery in Dec. Most likely on 26 Dec, Friday.
We meet up with Rock, Inah, her bro-in-law and sis for dinner kat Azli's place. Since Rock said that they are at Yishun Dam. Azli trn brg. But once we're done with our dinner, they drove by. But of course they didn't stop by. While we were chatting away with Rock and Inah, Rafi and Lydia cam back. Said our Hi-and-Bye
We talked; me, d, rock and inah abt our wedding. We agreed that d will head back to Rock's after the nikah. Rock will help him dress up. That reminds me to have his baju siap for him to bring over and have Rock to dress him up. Rock will help to deco the car. Everyone will help to deco my room. NT will escot d to my place. Kompang will be at my place waiting for d's arrival to palu and walk along with him to meet me at the pelamin. We will have frens to come at 2pm so that they can meet with us. Nikah ideally will be either 9 or 10am. I've requested Ayah to nikah for me. He say yes. I've told d abt it.
What i've done today:
- Confirm DJ. We're getting Yali. He charge us S$400 (family rate) and deposit of $50.
- Confirm Kompang with Putra for $380 but need to go Yishun to pay deposit of $100.
- Confirm Clearlens for videography Nikah + Sanding for $950. Will pay deposit tomorrow at 8.30pm to Sis.
- Confim with Kak Diella. She will advise the price and deposit in Nov.
- I've yet to confirm on Pulut Kuning.
- Also need to ask d's mum if she is fine with having 1 card with both parents names on the card. Once she is ok, then we can go tempah the card. Card will be distributed after we register.
- Need to buy cadar for my bed. Mum has 2 new pillows. Phew! no need to buy. Dun need bantal guling, cos i've d to hug.
- Need to buy tempat telur (>x500), tempat bunga rampai (x30)
- I'm getting rose petals for my bed. Mum will ask Mak Long to bring her most fragrance flower (bung kesidang) that she grow herself.
- Lepas raya we will paint the room, varnish the cabinets and shelfs.
we're more of less set. Now kluar $$ pay pay pay for the big day.


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