DIY Cat Condo Upholstery

well to get another cat condo ... hmmm quite expensive you should say. and in singapore, you don't have much choice. for one, our cats prefers to stay up then to have somewhere to cuddle lower. so the 'house' has to be up. else if they wish to sleep on the floor, they won't be cuddling in a 'house' ... leceh tul!

so the cat condo that we had for less than 6mths ... is in quite a bad shape.
very USED!

so i had in sort of 'repaired' ... upholstered  it a bit.

 i used my old t-shirt for the base where their 'house' is.
but first have to make sure that they would lie on that t-shirt first.
our cats have this preference to certain materials. some they would not like it and will eventually pee on it. for some they will. so testing it; by placing it on the floor and see if they will lie on it, is an important step before i have it glued/tack/tape onto the cat condo.

Next up is the base. hub actually use another carpet .. but we forgot that we put it away for a reason. it was peed on before.
so we bought this piece $2 at Daiso. 
again i have to let them lie on it .. if they are ok with the material, then it's time to put it on. 
because the base has been peed on ... i leave it for a week or so ... to make sure the scent is gone for good. sprayed a few times with vinegar and fragrance till dried up good. 
(personally i think the stench is there ... hmmmm ...
but i'm gambling away and have it replaced)

Voila it's complete. 
will have it monitored closely making sure the cats won't start peeing on it again. 
we have mesh place on it when we are away from the living room, but when we are around, we will put the mesh away. 


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