BAD #carousell seller #gridxo

I won't be writing this review if not because i felt cheated totally. Lucky thing i love the perfume. So give credit to that lah. Almost give up though but for $35 i demand answers. It may b a small amout to some but for me it's a big sum to spend. 

Let the screenshots do the 'talking'

This is the carousell seller @gridxo

Our conversation in carousell chat

Our sms-es

The item listing in carousell

Be HONEST. It doesn't kill. It doesn't pay to cheat others. 

 Updated 27Jul2015
Finally got the perfume. it's been a while that i receive it 30Jun2015.
just remembered to update it in case someone read it. 
still ... it takes a lot of effort to chase and ask and follow-up before i got the perfume eventually i receive less than was mentioned in her post. 
not forgetting that the package was received torn. Lucky the perfume is intact. 


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