Tailored for #Raya2015

Prev  post: http://jusmoi.blogspot.sg/2015/04/in-prep-of-raya2015.html

✔️ checked! sent materials to tailor at #410Pandan #hamidhawa

This is our #Raya2015 color scheme. 

Hub will b wearing the pink stripes. 
The inner on the buttons will b pink dots. 
The bottom 2 pockets will b pink dots too.

This is the kind tat his will b.

Mine either be top stripes while the bottom in dots. 
The top will b a #kurungmoden or #minikurung with boat neck. 
The bottom will b 'lipat sopan'
The cuff in dots too

Ask to sew big pockets (just like on Opah's baju) 
on the right bottom/mid 

This yr made sampin for Hub; in soft purple. One tat he can easily put on without the hassle of 'lipat' and all tat. 

I have 5m of moo moo print and 4m of checkered.

For the moo moo, i made the kurung moden #peplum. Confirm plenty of balance cloth. 
The bottom checkered is A-line. 

For this red camo, i made a long dress. Jus a simple A line kind with hidden pocket on the right.

 I won't expect it to b too flowy though cos it's cotton. But was expecting flare kind and comfy on the hip. Hehehe
Not to flare for someone my size else makes my hip even bigger right?

The green camo and dots are 2m each. 
I made a midi skirt and a peplum short sleeve blouse/tunic. 

Ok tat's quite a handful; 8 sets in total. 
1. Hubby's kurung
2. Mine in pink
3. Hubby's sampin
4. Mine in moo moo n checkered
5. Dress in red camo
6. Midi skirt green camo
7. Green dots peplum blouse/tunic.

Fuhhhhhh .... Hopefully all turns out as expected. Aamin!!!!


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