
the smell of leather ... it has a calming effect on me. hehehe

Introducing ... our very own local crafters.

i've gotten them to do my laptop sleeve.
my unfortunately it turns out not the very right size.
but the good thing is ... they are willing to take it back and make amendments to it and make it right.

i got a luggage tag from them too.
will want to hang this on my GSEWS bag. yeah!

Got them to do something like this with zipper. 

Need to amend - too tight and too long. 

The finish product. ;)
Loving it ... though if only the leather can be more softer.
hehehe ... mentel kan tu? 

Stay tuned!

Update 15Apr2015

Return the sleeve back for them to correct it. 
Told them that they can do without the zip. 


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