My First Pandora

I confirm the purchase of my first pandora with a trusted seller #designersbagsbutler #cyn #dbb all the way from Canada.

A little background of #designersbagsbutler

A lady who is in US or Canada doing the shopping spree for you personally going into shops searching and purchasing the bags/accessories/wallets for you. 

This is my 3rd purchase from her. 
First i got a Coach sunglasses, then a Coach keychain then now a Pandora with Green Murano charm. 
simply love all my purchases with her. She never makes me stress waiting for it. She delivers as promise. 

I was feeling a little depressed on my work to office this morning. But what lays on my table when i get into office, just makes me smile.
i was a little disappointed when i saw that it's kind of small and when i first try to put it on my wrist, it actually felt small. (i start to worry actually if it didn't fit ... but recall that i gave her the right sizing with 1 finger allowance)
when i finally had it clamp on my wrist ... and it starts to adapt to my wrist ... and me to the new bangle on my wrist ... it finally felt right ... in fact it's moving around on my wrist ... aiyohhhhh (in a good kind of way)

love it to the max ... can't get my eyes of it.

thanks again #Cyn for your patience in explaining and ensuring me that i'm getting the right #myfirst #pandora ... it's so gorgeous!!

18CM sterling SILVER BRACELET with
pandora clasp and
green murano glass charm


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