Kiddos = Pets

d love pets ... he loves animals ... be it the small ones like sugar gliders or even the big ones like horses. he is good with animals (and humans too)
pssstttt ... they all seems to have an attraction to him ... hmmm ... 

Sep 2006:
we started with Smokey, the netherland dwarf that we found along East Coast Road while we were driving our lorry on our way home. We brought him home (to d's home to be exact)

Oct 2006:
D was looking for a fren for smokey to keep him company at home while he is away at work. so we decided to check out SPCA. (actually d has already checked it out when he was doing runs at work)

We then fall in love with Huney. we adopted her. she is a belgian hare.

Jan 2007:
Smokey departed.

Someone gave 2 rabbits (1 adult and 1 young) to d. We named them Kookey and Dewey. Kookey stayed with d. While i brought home Dewey (much to my mum's disagreement. she never likes pets of any kind in the house)

Dewey didn't survive long. He departed about 3 days later.

Feb 2007
couple of days later, Kookey follow suit. She has not been eating well. She finally depart.

April 2007
Whisky came along. he followed the kids home and d decide to bring him in. Whisky left home and never returns.

December 2007
We brought home Harley. He is d's cousin's. They no longer able to look after him. so we decide to bring him home.

June 2008
Harley departed. no sign of sickness of whatsoever, he just left.

November 2008
Huney left us. She was with us for a good 2 years.


And now we had Kiki and Koko. They are additions to our home.
They are given to us by a fren of my SIL's sister.
They are breed of mainecoon and siamese (which comes from the mother but she is of smaller built. but the father is a normal cat but muscular.)

Here Introducing them ... They have been with us since the day we move into our new home mid of 2011.

Koko (left) Kiki (Right)


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