
Do you know that it's a Muslim country? hmmm ... i didn't until i make the reservation for my boss and this is what stated in the confirmation letter.
"...As the Republic of Maldives is a Muslim country, it is not permitted to bring any alcohol into the Maldives, although it is widely available in resorts for your personal consumption ..."
and i decide to google it to confirm what i read ... which honestly it didn't occur to me that it's a Muslim country ...
Abstract from
"...Islam is the only official religion of The Maldives. The open practice of all other religions is forbidden and such actions are liable to prosecution under the law of the country. According to the revised constitution, in article two, it says that the republic "is based on the principles of Islam." Article nine says that "a non-Muslim may not become a citizen of the Maldives"; number ten says that "no law contrary to any principle of Islam can be applied in the Maldives." Article nineteen states that "citizens are free to participate in or carry out any activity that is not expressly prohibited by sharia or by the law..."
Abstract from
The 1997 Constitution of the Maldives designates Islam as the official state religion. The Government interprets this provision to impose a requirement that citizens be Muslims. Freedom of religion is restricted significantly. The law prohibits the practice by Maldivian citizens of any religion other than Islam. The president is the "supreme authority to propagate the tenets of Islam." Government regulations are based on Islamic law (Shari'a). Non-Muslim foreigners are allowed to practice their religion only privately. Visitors must also refrain from encouraging local citizens to practice any religion other than Islam.
There was no change in the status of respect for religious freedom during the period covered by this report. Freedom of religion remained severely restricted.
There were some reports of societal abuses or discrimination based on religious belief or practice. According to many officials and interlocutors, most citizens regarded Islam as one of their society's most distinctive characteristics and believed that it promotes harmony and national identity.
The country has an area of 500 square miles (1,300 km2) distributed across 1,200 coral atolls and islands, with a population of 350,000.
The population is a distinct ethnic group with historical roots in South Indian, Sinhalese, and Arab communities. The vast majority of the Muslim population practices Sunni Islam. Non-Muslim foreigners, including more than 500,000 tourists who visit annually (predominantly Europeans and Japanese) and approximately 54,000 foreign workers (mainly Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, Indians, and Bangladeshis), are in general allowed to practice their religions only in private. Although Muslim tourists and Muslim foreign workers are allowed to attend local mosque services, most practice Islam in private or at mosques located at the resorts where they work and live.
Freedom of religion is restricted significantly. The 1997 Constitution designates Islam as the official state religion, and the Government interprets this provision to impose a requirement that all citizens be Muslims. Many citizens, at all levels, believe that the Constitution requires all Maldivians to be Muslim. The Constitution also stipulates that the President must be Sunni and has the "supreme authority to propagate the tenets of Islam." Chapter II of the Constitution relating to the fundamental rights and duties of citizens does not provide for the right to freedom of religion or belief. Furthermore, the Constitution precludes non-Muslims from voting, obtaining citizenship, and holding public positions.

Grand Friday mosque, Masjid-al-Sultan Mohammed Thakurufaanu-al-Auzam is the biggest mosque of Maldives. This grand architecture of bygone times was constructed by the Sultan Ibrahim Iskandhar in 1656. The grand Friday mosque of Maldives also includes the famous Islamic center. Grand Friday mosque in Maldives has a capacity to accommodate nearly 5000 people.
Don't we all dream to go Maldives someday? cos i know i do ...

Location and Geography

The Maldives lies in two rows of atolls in the Indian Ocean, just across the equator. The country is made up of 1,190 coral islands formed around 26 natural ring-like atolls, spread over 90,000 square kilometers. These atolls structures are formed upon a sharp ridge rising from the ocean, making way for their secluded uniqueness.

Each atoll in the Maldives is made of a coral reef encircling a lagoon, with deep channels dividing the reef ring. A string of islands take their places among this atoll ring; each island has its own reef encircling the island lagoon. The reefs of the islands, alive with countless types of underwater creatures and vibrant corals, protect the islands from wind and wave action of the surrounding vast oceans. This unique structure of reefs and channels makes navigation almost impossible for the passer-by without sufficient information about these waters.

Ninety-nine percent of the Maldives is made up of sea. The people of the islands are widely dispersed across the atolls, with about 200 inhabited islands. About 90 islands are developed as tourist resort and the rest are uninhabited or used for agriculture and other livelihood purposes.
**Atoll are coral islands or islands btw ...
a good deal my boss got ... SGD550 per pax.
*Price exclude airfare. Airfare tax less than SGD$50.
*Price include resort stay + GST + Service charge + Seaplane transfer + Hotel transfer
Every resort in Maldives you will travel by Seaplane ... cool isn't it?


  1. yup ... WOW! i didn't know that either ... interesting kan? a beautiful Muslim country indeed.

  2. yeah i always thought its similar to macam Hawaii those kind....

  3. agi 1 ... which means we dun have problem when it comes to food.
    slalunya when it comes to travelling food is ultimately the issue and the problem especially when we go out of Malaysia ...
    but you know for sure that Maldives is a place you can njoy the sight as well as the food.

  4. is always a major concern when travelling to non-Muslim countries, even Indonesia. Coz we always have to be wary of the foods served, esp street hawker.


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