Koko Kiki Castrated

Since the 2 kiddos are males and they are 7mths old ... it's time for them to be castrated ... Just a week before his appointment date, Koko is behaving as per describer below: "...when your male cat reaches puberty at nearly six months of age, he will start yearning for female companionship, and it's not his fault - it's only natural. He will meow at night, spray foul smelling urine all over the house aside from his litter box, and totally ignore all your attempts to control him..." Some Facts: "...Male cats are always willing and able to mate, and if they do not have anyone to mate with, it does not present a problem. They will just sit around and wait until a female presents itself. Males that are not neutered can become aggressive toward their owners, will get into fights with other males as they search for amorous females. The frequent fights expose them to infectious diseases, abscesses from wounds and many males will spray pungent urine t...