WAS a fren ...

never could i imagine that someday you will become an ex-fren. We use to be so close ... closer than blood sisters. You're the 2nd in line ...
1st it was Haryaty Ismail. She is my primary school mate. She's been a great friend and confidante since she join our school in primary 3. i'm always with her. she's my best fren. things change when we went our separate ways ... different secondary school. she went to st thomas with the rest of the gang. while i went to ghim moh alone. i cried partly becos i hated going to ghim moh cos i know the senior kids there since we always pass by the school coming to our primary school. we even "bump" into them and all. and part of me knows that we'll drift apart. and indeed we did. 1 day she jus said that she doesn't have a fren like me when we plan to have a so-call reunion ... that was the last i heard of her.
now it's u, Faridah Abdul Rahman ... we shared our lifes for the past 5 years when i'm in chass. since the day you broke off with your ex. and you dated wan ... till you got engaged and married. things turn sourish when i left chass. we were ok for the first few months till the day you got married i think then we really drifted apart. a fren whom i trusted my all bears it all to others. i'm sure you have ur reasons ... i'm sorry i'm not inviting you for my wedding as i need my treasured frens (hasnidah & siti) to be around me on my special day ... and i can do without you.
i forgave both of you ... but i won't forget what we used to have and what you've done to me. i learnt that good frens are hard to come by. INDEED!!!!
Yanty is a fren i treasured ... though we are not close ... but deep down we know we shared a past only us knows ... same goes to Siti and now Hasnidah. There are times we know who's fren and whos foe.


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