Megamelt Bakeshop

Cuisine: Asian
my colleague from PHP came over and brought the "Muhlach" Ensaymada with Ube Fillings ... sedapppp ...

Muhlach is the family name of the owner, Alexander Muhlach who is the father of Nino Muhlach a popular actor in PHP.
Ube is purple yam ... and Ensaymada is a tagalog word which means that it is made with butter and topped with grated cheese

It's not as cheesy as one will tink ... but the cheese rasa ... it jus melts away ...
then the pastry is so soft ... superb texture ... it suited the name perfectly ...

and it has this Halal stamp on the box ... how halal is halal ... hmmm i'm not one who will guarantee ...
24Jul : got a confirmation from my fren tat this is indeed halal ... so rest assure. whoever had the chance to try this ... go try!! it's all worthwhile ... *winks*

Check out the website:


  1. baru nak tanya...halal ke? katne tu beli? philipine? aiseyman...takde chan :(

  2. hehe ... nanti lah kalo ade rezki aku smp ke philippine tu aku seludup lah sikit kasi kau ye ... but it's nice lah smp skrg terasa2 cheese nya ... heheh

  3. y not u ukak 1 outlet kat sini... partnership dgn yr fren ah...

  4. hahah ... idea yg baik ... insyaAllah kalo ade rezki ... ade modal ... jadi ler ... *mcm betul je*


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