lagi satuuu ...

asal dari 10 eh?? buat je lah ...

10. favourites
1. color : black
2. food : tak cerewet
3. song : anything that's soothing to the ear
4. movie : non in particular
5. sports : none
6. season : perhaps winter
7. day : birthday
8. ice-cream flavour : anything chocolate

9. current
1. mood : ok ok
2. taste : anything santai
3. clothes : black drawstring pants w/ blue t-shirt
4. desktop : OEM
5. toenail : natural
6. time : 1:34pm
7. surrounding : comfort of my bro's room
8. annoyance : no sales = no comm = no extra income
9. thought : want to eat, bathe, get ready to meet him

8. firsts
1. bestfriend : haryati (from GMPS)
2. crush : azhar (from GMPS)
3. movie : can't recall
4. peircing : when i'm still young, but re-pierce when i'm 18 or 19 ...
5. lie : can't recall
6. music : none
7. car : not yet in history ;)

7. lasts
1. drink : coke
2. car ride : toyota corona driven by him
3. crush : hmmm .... somewhere from GSI. last seen and hugged him @HRC somewhere in 2002 or 2003.
4. phonecall : faridah
5. cd played : bon jovi - crushs album

6. have you ever
1. dated one of your bestfriend : my bestfriend is my boyfren ... of course i did
2. broken the law : hmmm ...
3. arrrested : ishhh ... selisih ...
4. skinny dipped : none that i can recall
5. been on tv : nope ...
6. kissed someone you didn't know : nope ... 

5. things you are wearing
1. black drawstring pants
2. blue t-shirt
3. black panty
4. black bra
5. pink hairband

4. things you've done today
1. sleep
2. kiss him
3. smile at him
4. drink coke
5. eat mint

3. things you can hear right now
1. voices of my grandma talking to my niece
2. voices of my nieces talkng to my grandma
3. voices of my dad talking to my niece
4. voices from the tv (kidscentral)
5. the sound of the keyboard ... me typing away
6. the fan above my head

2. things you can't live without
1. my mobile phone
2. water
3. my toiletries
4. my bears
5. my family and close frens (whom are my pillars ... you know who you are, my buddies ...)
6. him ;)

1. things you do when you're bored
1. read
2. sleep
3. multiply

lastly 5 people whom you wanna see them doing this *grins*
1. maes2rology
2. minahkampung
3. characters
4. dada04
5. silv3rfox


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