Your blood type ...

Just occurred to me to be curious or rather making sure that what we know is really what we know ...

ok ... Type O– blood is considered the “universal donor” because it can be donated to people of any blood type. Type AB+ blood is considered the “universal recipient” because people with this type can receive any blood type.

so ... i'm a B+ which means i can take from O blood as well as B+ themselves ...
For AB+ ... he could take from anyone everyone ... wow!! power!!!
so we need more AB+ donor which is rare i tink ... hehehehe

Some people think blood type tells about personality.
Type A is calm and trustworthy. You like harmony, peace and organization. You work well with others and are sensitive, patient and affectionate. Among your weaknesses are stubbornness and an inability to relax.
Type B is creative and excitable. You're a rugged individualist who's straightforward and likes to do things your own way. Creative and flexible, you adapt easily to any situation. However, your insistence on being independent can sometimes go too far and become a weakness.
Type AB is thoughtful and emotional. Cool and controlled, you're generally well-liked and always put people at ease. You're a natural entertainer who's tactful and fair. But you're sometimes standoffish, blunt and have difficulty making decisions.
Type O is a confident leader. You want to be a leader, and when you see something you want, you keep striving until you achieve your goal. You are a trendsetter, loyal, passionate and self-confident. Your weaknesses include vanity, jealousy and a tendency to be too competitive.
... will look up on this more ...


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