Year 2021

 Wrote this on 1 Jan 2022 but only now then I manage to enter it here. 


Set my home office in supposedly Elly’s room.

Still sore with Elly’s return to her birth parents and along with that gone are my dream of having a child I could fuss with.
Pasted Seekers logo on our car
1st mammogram done … uncomfortable but glad the results are all good. Alhamdulilah.
Change of boss; male boss to a female boss; Vincent to Angela.
Good thing is they are no way near. Previously in Penang, Malaysia and now 12Hrs difference, Angela in Long Island and me here in Singapore.

D end his work at Ley Choon in Feb.
Extract sample from a lump found on the junction of my usus. But all is ok. My 3rd HL. 1st HL on 7 Oct to take sample of my uterus wall. 2nd major one on 10 Dec, a difficult but necessary decision to remove my uterus. I stop having menses. But my 2 ovaries remain. Hence I am still having hormones and still able to feel slight menses cramps.

Aggressively start to try all sorts of meds to lose weight as my weight is at 99kg in Mar.
D start work at Kohepets in Mar.
I started to send Ryzky to school when Ida works night shift.

We moved office into New Tech Park @Lorong Chuan.


Installed digital lock for the door and gate by Hoz Digital paid with Atome on installment.


1st dose vaccination done.

Staycation at Hyatt with parents on the 1st weekend of Raya. Being the covid situation, no gathering so it's really fine to bring my parents for a short staycation.


2nd dose vaccination done.
Staycation at Sheraton with the minahs. Almost everyone except for myself are kind of drunk. πŸ˜‚ I had a bad acid reflux that night but slept it off and was ok the next morning. 

D end his work at Kohepets after 2 months and has not been working since.
Start minor change to the house; fix MBR wardrobe gap and door roller, paste Ayat decal above the gate and put up door custom number.

Decide to make some change to the house since we decide to stay put and not sell the flat and move out. Partly because my old parents are staying nearby. Much easier for me to be with them whenever emergency arises. And partly also because D needed the extra room for his stuffs. If we so decide to move, we might end up in a smaller flat which means minus 1 extra room. So we stay put and D can have his room and I can have Elly's room cum my work room since I foresee myself WFH like forever while I'm working for Veeco ... hehehe
Reorganised the wardrobes; changing the hangers, getting some storage, throw the old and bring in the new.

Fall out with Arai-Idah. hmmmm had a staycation together but then now we fall out. Just because ...

Work matter; made major changes to timesheet entries. Jul-Aug scheduled tied up with FSE training.

Had the aircon ledge clean by FVCleanInc. Installed the mesh so that the birds don't get onto the ledge and build their nests. Sorry birdies ... you guys are making dirty stinky shits aka bad for our general health. But months to follow, HDB wrote to us that they are installing the mesh for the whole block. Haiyahhhhh ... so we are like double mesh up.

Remove Elly from my CPF nomination.
Din went to prison for possession of drugs

Went St John-Lazarus island for 1-night camping/fishing.

Change from IPhone 11 max pro to IPhone 12 pro.

Discharged from bankruptcy after 7 years 10/2/2014 - 10/5/2021
Kiki died on 10/12/21 due to heart problem. He shows signs for a day and we decide to bring him to the vet the next day. He died in the vet. We have him buried at Kampung Berih (end of the Pusara Aman) where the army camp/post is.

Took up and completed RES course. Yet to take the exams.

D took up forklift course.

Brought a new kitten home on 11/21/21. Main reason is because Koko cried each night after Kiki pass. We felt that he is lonely. So we decide to bring home another cat. Given a choice I would not want to. But no regrets when I did. We name her Lola. Coincidently 2 years ago exactly on this very date, Elly enters our home. Elly return to her parents on 11/22/20; exactly a year after she lived with us. And exactly a year later, Lola enters our home. My heart still aches. But Allah has it all plan out beautifully.

I start investing in Syfe just for fun. Just to stash my $$ away.

Went Hyatt for my birthday for buffet tea at Straits Kitchen since we do have vouchers for it. Disappointing cos D did not eat. He only ate gado-gado. Didn't move from his seat. Just sat there and wait to be served. But still glad that we went out. My weight I would say permanently lost 3kg since 14 Nov. I religiously took JHK. And some days I took Fitto, Fabulousboomz, Trufitz.


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