Facebook the Social Media

Nowadays we all can't live without social media. Pros and Cons. Depends on users i should say. Some use it to get connected to frens and family that we don't meet on a regular basis. For some reasons, with the social media ... we felt so close and so connected. We are aware of their well beings. It's even so when frens and families are ions away from us.

But then recently, FB decides to lock up our account for not a very strong reason i should say. Even with explanation and all ... they still decide to lock our account. That account was first created when Multiply decides to close it's site. It was then transferred to hubby ... which eventually come to a close. *heart pain*

the many emails we send over back and forth for a month

the last reply we got from Facebook support.

So we decide to open a new account; under a new combine email. 
cleaner with close frens and families close to our hearts. 
plus interest and groups where we deem necessary. 


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