Ready for Raya 2015

house cleaning as usual ... but making an extra effort. next project - i need to re-tile my toilet for easy maintenance. this tile gets stain easily and gets dirty ... pain in the eye. upholster the sofa arm. from torn to nice lah ... hehehe fix the bath and bodyworks wallflower plug. Cover up the kitchen cooker perimeter with this aluminium tape bought from #daiso. it stains the top ... tried cleaning it but not as clean as i would want. so the next best thing to do is to cover it up. cover the imperfection ... to make it perfect. hahahaha so it's easier to maintain now ... phew! hub bought this at #daiso too. i use it to the fullest, since i'm not able to get the stain out from the grout, i use the #groutpaint to clean it up instead. it works wonders. from this. to this ... how cool is that. ...