Today ... I am blessed to have a charming husband who loves me indeed i'm pretty sure, 2 4-legged noty 'meow' named Kiki and Koko, a supportive family, an understanding supportive colleagues n bosses at work and a beautiful home full of love and memories.

On tis day i will always look back as how life over the past mths have been. Tat's the thing when ur birth mth is end of the yr. Things have been rough but i'm glad and i'm blessed to still have my husband supporting me and loving me despite my shortcomings with my debt problems and my woman health issues. I can never ask for a better husband cos he is the best that Allah has granted to me. 

Watching 'Baby Mama' now showing on Channel 5, makes me wonder who doesn't yearn for their own baby. With my repeated woman health issues, only Allah knows what he has plan for me. But all i hope for is my husband understand my situation. Alhamdulilah for now he does. 

I am still on my losing weight mission. I still yearn to travel if money and time permits. I would love to take up my masters if money permits. But most impt of all, i will need to clear my debts. And i will need to plan for my family finance if someday i were to leave this world. 

Till then ... Have a gd day Wati (despite the cramps and heavy flow tat i'm having now) Aiyoh! Tears sure does flow easily nowadays for me ... (Looking at my dear hubby whom is sound asleep next to me now) i love him loads ... Thank you Allah for bringing us together. May our love last till jannah (end of life paradise). And may i be his bidadari (angel) in Heaven. Aamin!! 


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