Tot for y2013 ....

I was thinking .... Tat we shld travel a bit tis yr.

We made de first move by deciding to go PD.

Told hub today, tat we'll probably go on a cruise to Phuket or we go Bali.
Let's see wat's de cost like.
Though terkilan cos we didn't go Australia as we've planned a long long time ago .... And we nvr get it done.
But with hub working now and me taking more task at work .... We dun hav the luxury of time now.
But Alhamdulillah we have a bit of $$ to spend for a short getaway.

Wif hub Skg it ease a bit financially ...
Ya Allah bukakanlah hati suami ku utk membantu ku dgn bill2 ku ... Kau lapang kan lah pintu rezeki kami Ya Allah. Kau permudahan kan uruapan Harian kami. Amin! Amin! Amin!


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