Life Milestone

Graduated Oct 2005
my 1st milestone was to earn a degree. and i was lucky to earn an honours degree after 3 years of  hardwork; work + study + play. It was worth it. The time spent to study. The burning midnight oils. The sleepy and tiredness in class. The rush to complete assignments. The hutang2 in paying for the school expenses. and not forgetting the Europe trip; amsterdam, belgium and scotland (by myself) + around UK with room mates + london (meeting up with Kak intan)

28 Dec 2008
the next milestone in my life and the biggest ever life decision made - getting married to beloved husband, Mazlan Bin Ismaoon. after a handful of heartaches and buckets of cries, i sign the papers to accept Mazlan Bin Ismaoon to be my beloved husband till death do us apart, insyaAllah. Amin! Amin! Amin!
With him comes the challenges, his fair share of my tears too, the heartaches ... but insyaAllah jodoh kita kuat ... we will be together till death. Amin! Amin! Amin!

Jan 2011
We got the keys to our own home. My CPF contributes to the maintenance of the house. Start hutang again ... My renovation loan from OCBC and RHB to furnish our home. Alhamdulilah all went well. We even had our 1st official open house in Nov 2011 after we officially move in in May 2011. It's been a year now that we've move into our humble home. Alhamdulilah ... InsyaAllah ia akan membawa berkah and Rezki melimpah luah. Amin! Amin! Amin!

finally ... it's yet another asset under my very own name. bought a 2005 Suzuki Grand Vitara Black 2.0 4WD Auto at 38,800 with 1.88% interest for 38months with OCBC bank. alhamdulilah. with my current credit status i'm so glad the bank approve my car loan.
spent my entire bonus to mod the car for offroad ready. hmmm ...

finally the stress is over for now. for the 4th time, and the last time - i pass my driving test with 10points. been taking it since my poly days ... retook my FTT twice. (cos the earlier one that i took expires after 5yrs)
the first time i took my TP test, i accidentally by reflex nature let the tester knows that i hit the curb when i did my parellel parking.
the 2nd time, i hit the curb during S-course.
the 3rd time, i hit the curb after my parellel parking - turn in too early.
the 4th time - all was smooth. amin!

so what's next?
- australia trip
- Europe trip
- another degree or perhaps a master?
- getting pregnant?
- lose the weight to back when i was much younger.
- to be debt free but cash rich ... amin! amin! amin!


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