does it ...

does bliss always last? u tell me? ...
bak kata pepatah ... "...di sebalik keriangan seseorang ... pasti ade duka nya..."
well the words doesn't just come from no where ... it's the fact of life ...

y eh?? y when all seems to go smooth sailing ... ade aje ...
maybe it's not meant to be?
maybe it's a test?

i'm tired of playing such games ... just plain tired ...
this is where i'll say ... "...let them do unto u ... asalkan u dun do unto them..." sigh!!!


  1. :: it does... with a lil touch o' faith... ::

  2. let me ask u...if life is to go smooth sailing...will we ever learn? hmmm...banyak kan bersabar yah..

  3. faith? isn't that a thin line between believe and not to believe? sigh!!

  4. we will learn if only we know the mistake that we've made ... else how do we learn?
    thks rai ... insyaAllah i will cos that's the only thing i'm good at ... to date ...

  5. agreed!!! but kadang2 asik kite je kena, bingit jugak kan....

  6. precisely...we learnt from mistakes and to keep doing the same mistakes is not a reason for not having the confidence and faith within oneself..that is the choice when it has been chosen, bear the consequences and handle it with the mind cause to learn is seeing things not only with the eyes but with the heart and the mind...

    sometimes, stubborness will push one to the end then it will be learnt...that is for me though..cause i am one stubborn gal that when things really cork up, then i will learn..

    there is always the good and bad in one's life. it is just a matter of how we see things...*smilez*

  7. :) Life is like roads we travel, Some are rough, Some are smooth. So what ever roads that you travel will give you a diffrent experience which will make you stronger for the next.

  8. tu lah dia ... but kita redha ... sesungguh Dia menduga kita2 yg kuat menerima dugaan ... bukan cobaan ehhh ...

  9. tat's easier ... but having confidence and faith in others?? that's a tough one isn't it ... especially when that confidence and faith dipijak2 :(

  10. stubborness i can deal ... but habitual ... i can't break ... *bak kata pepatah ... nak lentor biar dari rebung* ...

    If it's my habit ... i'm willing to change for the good ... but if it's someone's habit ... how do we change?

    aren't we not to change a person/situation to suit ourselves ... or to change ourselves to suit the person/situation? it's a fine line between the 2 isn't it??

  11. i bet!! and life isn't always fair ... some will laugh before they cry ... some cry before they laugh ... but end result they are much stronger ... i am i believe ... *smiles*

    thanks for the beautiful words ...

  12. have faith in others isnt it suppose for the other party to provide..we GAIN trust and faith from the other party and its their duty to provide that for us...

    sekiranya kalao confidence and faith dah dipijak...haruskah kiter biarkan atau shall we do something? hmmm..

  13. hmmm... i know wat u mean...tapi frankly, untok mengubah kan seseorang its not an easy job and before doing that, kita pon kena tgk kalao we have the right to do that...

    sometimes in life, we have to adapt and blends in the situation but provided it is for the better...jgn lak kita ubah kan diri kita untuk sesuatu yg kita akan menyusahkan diri kita sendiri...

    yg penting in life, happiness...and contentment...

    so many tau kadang its a fine line between the two:

    instincts vs paranoia, compromise vs giving up/ giving in, stubborness vs faith, habits vs characters and the list just go on and on...

  14. we're to accept and they to give? ... what if they are not giving enough ... not enough for us to accept? tak abis eh cam ni? ...

    knowing myself ... i usually biarkan ... amacam? hmmmm ....

  15. its within urself...its the path and choice u r choosing...u make urself happy and content....

  16. how much is that enough?? that u have to question urself...kos only u know the limit..u can start it and u can stop it...its ur life and its ur one can decide for u except u...

    biarkan vs giving up? hmmm...

  17. babe, i wish u all the best in making ur decision...think calmly yah...*hugs*

  18. betol tu.. ni perit laa kan. some how org buat kita tp kita jgn buat org. as in jgn membalas kan.
    that's wat my arwah nenek ever remind me. n i saw the outcomes...
    org tu buat kita, tp kita tk balas.
    last2 dia kena the same thing pe yg dia buat pd kita, tp... dengan orang lain.
    Allah tu kan Maha Adil.
    so.. sis, watever happen, be strong.
    like u said, its life...
    its a test indeed.
    we;re on stage.
    gd luck!

  19. we're the actors and actresses aren't we?
    thks sis ... i'll be strong slagi terdaya ... insyaAllah ...

  20. u're welcome sis..
    insyaAllah u will.


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