buey sai chow liao ... aiseyman ...

here it goes ...

a) seven dreams before death:
1. to have a complete family with loving husband and kids
2. to have many many money that i can repay my parents
3. pergi tanah suci
4. to have assets that i can leave to my husband and kids
5. to own a house, a car
6. to have travel half the world
7. to be love

b) seven things I can't do in this lifetime:
1. getting pregnant before i'm married
2. have a tattoo
3. to eat anything alive
4. to kill someone
5. to convert to other religion
6. to be a multimillionaire
7. to eat pork

c) seven things that attract me:
1. hardrock bears
2. beautiful babies 
3. everything vintage
4. soft leather
5. soft, cuddly bears
6. songket
7. everything apple (apple the fruit, apple the computer brand)

d) seven things i say:
1. sial ah
2. babe
3. allo
4. muakk
5. sayang
6. aisey man
7. macam nak lari jauh2

e) seven books that i love:
1. books by Emily Barr (so far read one titled "Atlantic Shift" -- powerr!!)
2. books by Barbara Delinsky
3. books by Nora Roberts
4. books by Jude Deveraux
5. books by Cathy Kelly (my best fren during my UK trip)
6. everything on home decor
7. everything on travel

f) seven movies that I've loved:
1. most of P.Ramlee's movie
2. most of Richard Gere movie
3. most science fiction kind of movie, mcm x-men, superman
4. most of Sandra Bullock movie
5. most of Meg Ryan movie
6. most hindi movies
7. most comedy movies, malay ke, english ke ... tak cerewet ... asal ade humour

g) seven tags:
1. ciput
2. maes2rology
3. minahkampung
4. characters
5. silv3rfox
6. kreow
7. dada04
*these people dah kena tagged the first time ... but doubt they do it ... tembak agi ah ...



  1. hahha..at last buat ye awak..

  2. dah kena tag ... apa leh buat ... buat je ah ... kasi my brain ni keja sikit ...
    these questions lagipun soalan yg kita jarang skali fikirkan ... but once ask ... it just makes u tink ...

  3. :: oit salah spelling! **HIAK DISH** ::

  4. sejauh mane diri ni terbawak ... =)

  5. ***ahhhh*** (dapat elak) ... opppsssieee ... sorry ... dah tul kan dah ...


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