
Showing posts from November, 2015


It's that time of the year again. Once again not the day i'm looking forward to. I wish i will forget this day and it goes by. As usual the motor insurance the first to have their wish in my inbox.  Got some coupons from qoo10.  1st wish comes from Ayah. He watsapp me when the clock strikes 12am. We r in bed as usual lazing ard playing with our phones/ipad. Teary and touched indeed.  Kak Ayu group watsapp abt 7-ish am. Followed by Adik then Ida - wishing me. It sure makes me tear esp from ida.  Every word in her watsapp is true abt us. (Even updating this blog makea me teary still) Juli watsapp me as well.  Salina and Siti wish me in Fb wall bt i hav to hide them cos dun want if he sees it then he'll be reminded. (I want him to remember when he looks at the date nt reading the wishes) Sorry babes and tq for the wishes.  Sab watsapp me 4Dec. It's still ok. Thks for remembering.  Treat myself to choc malt ...