Casa Clementi

My elder sis finally getting her keys to her new flat very soon. it's a struggle for her. her old unit at blk 401 has to be enbloc by end jan 2013. from a 3-room flat where she initially opt for 4-room but due to her financial situation, she has to downgrade to 3-room. but thank god for her she got a new unit at the Casa Clementi; the precinct that's is meant for her rightfully. luck is definitely on her side. last week, we went to check out 3 contractors. 1 in clementi. 1 in jurong east. and 1 my house contractor, stephen from Classic Ideas. she's comfortable with him and she place her $50 deposit with him. He quoted her about 12K for below items: - wardrobe - grille for service yard - cornice for living hall and walkway to bedrooms - kitchen cabinet - tiles for living room - laminate for bedrooms earlier in the week we went to mega store @kallang stadium where she gets her lg 390L fridge (Model; lg gr-m4923csn) , lg 9kg washing machine (wft9101), EF coo...