Time to move on ...

to all my multiply frens out there ... it's time for us to move on ... not our decision to make ... nor do we have any say at all. but as we all knew now, we have to move out of multiply ...
our rants have to go somewhere ... for now we have a choice of blogger or tumblr.
join me in blogger ... http://jusmoi.blogspot.sg
cos i would still like to see all of you ... hear your comments. you have been the silent frens ... frens who lend me your ears ... here me out ... a shoulder for me to cry on ... a place where i can laugh my heads out ... knowledge that we share and many more ...
Multiply have been my google especially for my marriage preparation 4 yrs ago. i met good frens ... great frens ... and not forgetting some frens who strike me off their list ... hehehehe
till then my frens ... let's move and i would love to see you in my new blog. till we meet again. till we 'talk' again ... take care for now.


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