in 2 weeks time ...

soon i'll be flying again ... my last trip was to South Korea for Service Training. My solo trip.

This time round, i'm flying 21hrs to New York, United States. Finally i get to go to US. shop! shop! shop!

Soon i get to go JFK airport ...

Stopping at Dubai since i'm taking Emirates.

Going with Stephanie for our BOBJ training.

soon leaving dear hubby all by himself. Ya Allah ... kau tetapkan iman nya. jangan dia tergoda ngan wanita2 lain di semasa ketiadaan ku. semoga dia dilindungi. semoga dia menjaga umah dan maruah nya sebagai suami. setia pada istri yang pergi bertugas di negeri orang. Amin! Amin! Amin!

More updates soon ... stay tune!

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