dream on ...

dunno where the tots come from ... but i had this dream you can say it where i met this guy in US who pays for everything ... without questions ask ... without asking for anything in return. it puzzled me but i just let him be ... with me thinking that probably he wants to do good deed for that day ... and i happen to be the random person that he picked among the crowds ...

then it continues ... when i get home from US ... i was greeted by MY LAWYER ... believe it ... hahahaha ... my dream getting weirder ... but hey all this dreams and tots when i'm awake k ... not when i'm sleeping ... berangan je ...

so this lawyer actually said that i inherit BILLIONS ... hahahahaha ....
i wish ...

an estate in scotland

a house in london

a landed house in singapore @Sentosa Cove with own berth ... fuh!!!

a loft apartment in singapore

a porshe SUV ...

with so much in hand ... first thing first ...
- a car fully paid with petrol paid via credit to my bro, sis and dad.
- dad will sell off his nissan car
- to my elder sis, fully renovate her house
- a trip for the family to london and scotland to view the house and estate
- probably get a car for fir too with petrol paid too ... but let d decide on this ...

on top of this ... all debts in my name are cleared ...
i offered to clear all my siblings debts + fir and fidah's too + inah and rock's too ...

all that i inherit is under my name ... solely my name.

i wish ... i wish ... insyaAllah ... alhamdulilah ...
let's hope ade lah insan yang sebaik yang aku impikan ...
will there be?

i guess i can only dream ... ::((


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