perjalanan ...

it's been an eventful week ... kalo kaum Cina confirm pantang ... tapi kita ni anggap ni semua takdir ... "kun fa ya kun" terjadi lah ia ...
just ytdy i witness selesai nya perjalanan d's aunt di dunia ... then pergilah dia ke alam barzah ... it's a solemn moment ... i may not be as close to the arwah but we met on 2 occasions ... families get together, lost ones came back, and most importantly of all it's a reminder to kita semua ... "... yang dunia ni hanya persinggahan ... sementara je ... esok lusa pulang lah kita ke asal ..." al-maklum kita ni sering ter-forget ...
yg pergi tk kan kembali ... hanya doa kita yg mengiringi ... ber-sedekah lah pada yg hidup maupun yg mati ... amin! amin! amin!
kepada cucu arwah nya yg akan dilangsungkan this wkend ... "...Life has to go on ... i bet though she's not with us physically ... she's always with us in our heart ..." (she may not be reading this ... but my sincere doa to her)
and on a lighter note ... my bro pun getting married this weekend ... persiapan di umah alhamdulilah all's fine ... lelaki ni tk sekecoh pompuan ... so rilek sikit ah ... nanti nk temankan dia ambik baju nikah dia ...
watever needs to be done are ALMOST done ... except for a few task on hand yg nk di-completekan soon ... but it sure gonna be one kecoh wkend ... like my cousin Ana said ... "...dah lama we didn't have such fun..." yeah!!! we're gonna have it tis wkend to the max ... yipppeeee!!!
PS: if i offended anyone for putting up such entry having the sad and happy occasions together ... my sincere apology ... i personally feel we're jus players in this temporary world ... and the clock hand is not in our hand to stop it or rewind it ... it's just for us to live on it ...


  1. my sincere condolences and congrats to ur bro..

  2. my condolences to Lan's family & especially to u both ... semuga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan disamping hamba2 allah swt yg beriman ... insya'allah ... al-fateha .. (",)

  3. thks Ian. InsyaAllah sama2 lah kita berdoa semoga lapang dan terang kuburan nya ... insyaAllah ...

  4. Insya'Allah... Allah akan bersamamu sekeluarga & merahmati majlis persandingan yr brader.. cedelah... congrats nak dapat adik ipar baru!

  5. insyaAllah ...
    Alhamdulilah ... bertambah 1 ahli jln raya thn ni ... hehehe

  6. innalillahi wa innalillahirajiun... salam takziah buat keluarga arwah... and congrats to ur bro...

  7. takziah buat kluarga arwah and congrats to ur bro wati...

  8. my condolences to the family...

  9. I remember when arwah...just loves to talk to anyone... how we miss her... al-fatihah.

  10. P/S: clock hand is not for a stop or for re-wind.. but for us to leave on it.. true sis. I feel for the family for their loss in wak long.. also to bapak and mak.. :'( true kita semua ni hidup hanya sementara... Always, recite shukur for what we have.. nvr take things for granted. It's how the world cycle. God loves her.. Semoga dia di tempatkan ke taman taman syurga. Amin.

  11. salam takziah...
    Congrats to ur bro!

  12. insya'allah ... al-fateha ... (",)

  13. InsyaAllah ... and thks Rai.

  14. ya babe ... the first time i saw her i tot she's bed ridden ... then she get up and sit on the wheel chair and ask who am i ...
    the 2nd time i met her ... she acknowledge and smile ...
    bpk said kak t is jus like her likes to talk non-stop ... i didn't get a chance to talk to her but though she sits on the wheelchair she is one bubbly old lady ... *weeps weeps*

  15. amin! amin! amin!
    yeah ... kekadang kita lupa to appreciate wat we have ... i'm one of the fortunate to have watever now and i live my life everyday each day though it's my last ...

  16. insyaAllah ... thanks sis ...

  17. salam takziah to al marhum..
    Insya-Allah we'll see this weekend..:)

  18. insyaAllah ... yup ... insyaAllah we'll meet ... i will be ard abt 2-2.30pm ... the rest of the time i'll be away at the girls side ... if nk meet come during those time k ...

  19. hai?jusmoi masih kenal i lagi tak

  20. kak t nya fren kan?? masih ...


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